We set out to build an African company that people are ​proud of, 
want to work with, and 
can express themselves in

Access is literally life-or-death in healthcare. We’re passionate about making a difference for our community
Our purpose is to give healthcare professionals confidence to focus on sustaining community well-being. We do this by partnering industry players in building a sustainable Healthcare supply chain in order to improve access.
We’re striving to set a benchmark for Service in Zimbabwe

Across the care continuum our Purpose is to support our Professionals by making Mission Essentials simply accessible. Our Vision is to establish The Pulse Group as leading in service quality in each market we choose to serve.


Mucha Mkanganwi

Founder and CEO

Mucha is responsible for setting the company’s strategic direction. Prior to establishing Pulse in 2004, Mucha was Group CEO of CAPS Holdings Limited, then the largest listed pharmaceutical company. Having risen through the ranks over a seven-year period during which he held several financial, operational and business development positions, Mucha was appointed CEO at the age of 31, making him the youngest person to run a listed company in Zimbabwe.

Mucha serves on the board of Stanbic Bank Zimbabwe and is the sitting president of CZI. He served as Chairperson of the BOOST Fellowship, the largest private-sector mentoring initiative for Zimbabwean University students. Through this Mucha had oversight over the Zimbabwe chapter of Enactus.

Mucha is an Archbishop Desmond Tutu Leadership Fellow (Oxford University, African Leadership Institute 2011) and African Leaders Network Fellow (2014).

Board Members

Nigel Mangwiro


Nigel is responsible for the corporate governance affairs of the company. He has served as Chairman of the Group since 2008 and has enriched Pulse’s commercial strategy through the insight he brings from his operational background and focus on strategy.

Nigel brings a wealth of experience from mostly entrepreneurial environments across eight African markets. He is currently Group Chief Financial Officer of Distributed Power Africa, a member of Econet Holdings.

Dr Allen Chiura

Non-Executive Board Member

Dr. Allen Chiura is a Consultant Urological Surgeon who was educated and trained in the United States. Together with his wife, Dr Nozipo Maraire, they opened their private practice, Ecosurgica in 2012. He is the Head of the Urology Unit of the Parirenyatwa Group of hospitals where he is involved in the training of medical students and young urologists.

Dr Allen Chiura is the Past President of the Alliance Francaise Board. He also sits as a board member of the Sports Recreation Commission of Zimbabwe, and JF Kapnek Trust Zimbabwe.

Linda Masterson​

Non-Executive Board Member

Prior to joining the board of The Pulse Group in 2021, Linda was the Group Managing Director of Edgars Stores Limited. She was head-hunted from Datlabs PL to join Edgars as Group Financial Director at the age of 34, making her the youngest GFD of a sizeable public company and, similarly, the first female.

Linda went on to become Group Corporate Services Director which was an enlarged role giving her oversight of HR, IT, Development and Distribution in addition to her role as GFD.

Guiding Principles

The Pulse Group’s core values reflect how seriously we take our goal to contribute to a more vibrant quality of life for our community


We’re proud to be part of the mission to uphold our community’s wellbeing. Our goal is for each of our units to make positive impact within and beyond our business. We abide by laws and regulatory requirements, and respect the ethical standards espoused by the healthcare community.


Win-win Relationships with our business partners enable us to get our comprehensive portfolio when and where it’s needed. Our team’s listening attitude and adaptive work ethic keeps us focused on what matters to our stakeholders.


Every team member deserves an opportunity to grow and to contribute to meaningful work. Our coaching culture aims to nurture personal growth. Our performance management system rewards both individual and team delivery.